messin' me up, my whole head.

Ever since I started blogging (4 scores and a million years ago... Ok maybe not THAT long) my topics have been inspired by personal experiences and that of my friends. Then I'd sit and put on some good music and just type. I want to stress GOOD music. This was way back when I was inspired and actually wrote some pretty decent shit, by the way. Well lately it's just mediocre (if that) and day-to-day ramblings. And I write out the drafts at work cuz shit, there's nothing to do between 3am-6am. Well today I got inspired and so I'm trying to write it out but something's missing...

The music part.

I'm playing some old hip hop off my phone so I can write but someone is simultaneously playing off their phone and it's like... not...good... Music. It's fucking me up. I tried the headphones but I can still hear Lil Wayne's wretched voice.

I wanted to get it done cuz I know by the time I get home I'll be way too tired.


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