gettin ill.

Fuck my immune system. Ever since I was a kid my immune system is my worst enemy. I used to have asthma attacks off of every little thing, getting tonsilitis and laryngitis all the damn time, and while I lived in the Philippines I was in and out of the hospital like every month. I was just a sickly kid.

I'm still sickly. I get sick everytime the weather changes. I get sick when I get allergies so crazy that the sneezing and runny noses turns into chest congestion and BOOM BOOM POW - fever town.I always feel it too. My throat gets a certain itch that's like a red flag--uh oh its coming. My waterline gets red and my eyelids feel hot. And when I get sick, boy, I GET SICK. Like bedridden, irritable, can't move, my joints hurt, and when I shower the water feels like needles pricking my skin. Last time I got sick it hurt so much that I was crying in the shower. It sucks so bad being me sometimes (I don't care if that's negative, you've never been in my slippers while I'm sick). Maybe I'm just being a big baby cuz I know for a fact people out there are suffering worse than me. But having the flu, sore throats, and fevers at least 4 times a year for 25 years has given me the right to complain don't you think?

Well I got sick last month and I just fully got over it a week ago. Guess fucking what? Your girl is sick again! I feel the lids getting hot. This time though its the sickness I HATE. It's the one I get every year where I cough and cough forever. I'm coughing up all kinds of fluids and it hurts. Plus, my chest feels like I am having an asthma attack. Oh and I'm walking around wheezing. Damn it.

Getting fucked up friday did it I think. We stood out in the cold for a long time too. We partied in Naperville with Sherwin's co-worker. They don't play around in Naperville. You think you're just gonna kick it with the one 40oz? No, bitch, you're gonna have TWO. We had loads of fun but didn't make it home and just ended up crashing at their place. Well in the middle of night I started getting real hot and having cold sweats. I woke up the next day and I was coughing and wheezing my ass off.

Fast forward to sunday, had an awful time at work so just went to Sherwin's to chill. He said he wasn't feeling well so we took a nap. I woke up thinking "why the hell is it so hot in this bed???" I reach over to wake him up and he was burning! He had a crazy fever going on and I could feel mine beginning. I was sweating in the bed and went out in the cold. DUMB ASS IDEA. I woke up today with my head feeling so heavy and with my body all hot with aching joints. I'm at work right now still coughing. My throat hurts so bad and I just want to lie down.

I guess my white cells followed suit with Sherwin's and were like fuck this, I'm tired of fighting.

Damn you, antibodies.

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