i love cake.

my personality is hardly girly. i'm so not maarte, hardly fussy (although super-emotional at times), got a potty mouth for days. i will chill with a new guy wearing sweats and a white tee (especially at my house, why would i get all dressed up when we're just chillin here? duh.) but underneath all that, i looooove me some cake. not the baked goods. you know which kind i'm talkin about.

i like the butterflies you get off of a goodmorning text. if he adds "beautiful" at the end? that's it. game over. i'm fucked up the rest of the day. there's nothing like the rush you get when you know he's coming by to see you. i love me a good cuddle session (even without the netflix). hand holding. door opening. random phone calls at work just to say hello, i was thinking of you. little subliminal messages on facebook cuz you both know you guys cannot tell your friends yet. which brings in a whole new kind of caking... the secret kind. the looks from across the room got you smiling like a damn fool all night. the two of you "accidentally" brushing arms or bumping into each other. girl, you know you timed that shit. flowers. love notes. texting me funny pics or song lyrics that you know will make me smile?

i love all that shit.

your not-your-typical girly girl -- and i plead guilty to this as well -- will tell you that all that shit is overrated. that bitch is lying. she'll tell you that she doesn't celebrate valentine's day or anniversaries but if you don't give her at least a heads up letting her know that you remembered, you will be in for a night of stank faces and attitude. complete with "nothing's wrong!" lol. trust me. c'mon dude, at least for the first one together. yeesh.

so guys, next time you meet a girl that you dig that just happens to be "one of the boys"... don't let that stop you from saying sweet things even if you think it's corny. #1 it WILL make her smile and #2 if you don't, how she supposed to know you think she's special?! duh. we're not mind readers. that's another post.

exactly. (damn, i love the 90s)

happy weekend, errbody!

campus hottie

campus hottie
i've been looking for a backpack like that forever. that's all i need and i have this entire outfit... i think i'll go hit up ebay.

i'm bored, let's go out.

i'm bored, let's go out.
possible outfit choice for a birthday comin' up... *cough*hurryuppickaplace*cough*

earthly skies

earthly skies
fall's here finally! time for layering and busting out the scarves. i'm currently in love with camel, caramel, tan colors for shoes, bags, and accessories (i've wearing this belt a lot lately, and i can't seem to get it off lol i love it). and i especially love these colors against navy blue. doesnt that dress look like a starry sky!? *excited girlish screams*... i'd also probably wear this with opaque dark grey tights (like ones i'm wearing right now, heeeeey)

brown lace

first of all, summer is almost over... second of all, i don't really have the body (or the budget) for this outfit... but i love it. if cold is your issue, you can always replace wear boots and tights and slap on a leather (faux) jacket. if it's body concerns, skinny jeans instead of shorts and a tank instead of the bandeau. also, i think this outfit might be easy to recreate on a thrifting budget =) maybe i'll try.

p.s. i'm addicted to creating stuff on polyvore.com

ms. nude bootie...

bootie, bootie, bootie, bootie rockin' err'where...

ms. nude bootie

i'm currently obsessed with finding a nude bootie. it's like finding the perfect boyfriend... likes long walks, feels like heaven on the dance floor, likes nights out on the town, and won't pinch my nerves (ha). i went through polyvore (all afternoon at work lol) and the 4 up there are my picks. if only i wasn't broke *sigh*

anyone got any other suggestions? share share!

if you don't know, now you know.

i'm not particularly articulate or deep with my words. especially if i'm trying to express my feelings. i just put it simply, with marie's famous twist of sarcasm and humor. that's how i deal. i would say 85% of the time, i won't even say anything. i'll suck it up and adjust my feelings to avoid confrontation.

a person can only adjust so much before they break.

i can only turn my cheek so my many times before my neck starts to hurt and i can't take it anymore. know what i'm saying?

i get it, this is what it was like before i got here. i get it, this is what the "lifestyle" is like. i even get the fact that i did something i wasn't supposed to do, thus landing myself in this situation.

i get it because i made the effort to understand.

so doesn't the golden rule apply? duh.

i feel like no one gave the effort to understand me. like you didn't turn yourself around and think "why is she seeing it differently than me?" i wasn't asked any questions. if i was, my answers were disregarded and i got the vibe that people thought i was just being a bitch.

you don't get why i'm upset about noise because you didn't make the effort to realize that i need peace and quiet when i walk in from a long day.

you don't get why i'm upset about mess because you didn't make the effort to realize that i consider leaving a mess disrespectful of "our home". and granted, my room is crazy messy but i don't subject anyone else to it in common areas.

you don't get why i'm upset seeing you do what you're doing because not only am i still bitter (there, i admitted it) but because i care about you and i don't want to think of you as that kind of person. you don't know because you never asked. i just feel like you were indifferent and didn't really care if you were hurting me or not. you don't know how much damage you actually did because you didn't stand back and look at the wreckage. or i don't know, maybe you did and you got the impression that it was ok.

i have a strong threshold for pain but come on now, my heart is about to blow the fuck up.

i never thought i was better than anyone. i never meant to walk around with this supposed chip on my shoulder (eww, get it off). don't mistake my being annoyed for that. judgemental is probably one of the worse things you can say about me to me because i'm so the opposite. i'm one of the first people who look past the flaws because i have so many of my own. i'm one the type to chime in and say "cmon now, they're not even like that." when shit-talking gets real. especially when it's about someone i consider a true friend. you don't know how many times i defended you. why would i defend you if i thought i was out of your league? season that shit and let it marinate.

i pride myself in being flexible in a sense that i like meeting people, doesn't matter how different they are from me. what was that thing my friend called me the other night?... oh yeah, adaptable. i know there are some people that i choose not to associate myself with. but trust me when i say this: i have never hated or judged someone based on monetary/social status, color, past mistakes, education, religion, or culture (shit, the more culture i have in my life, the better). i choose to associate myself with people whose energy, vibe, morals, heart appealed to me. i'm aware i talk shit and my mouth is uncontrollable but i've never genuinely hated or wished malice on anyone. i really do love everybody unless they give me a valid reason to feel otherwise because (and i had this conversation with kayleigh. this might've been when i fell in love with her)... we're all on this planet to learn about each other... all we have to do is be considerate and make an effort to understand each other. that's only possible if we communicate and are considerate of each other's feelings. unfortunately, i'm not the best with initiating communication... this is where the two way street card comes into play.

i'm considerate of you and think of situations from my angle and yours.

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