ooples and boonoonoos!

Well, just ooples, really. I decided to try the apple cleanse. I wanted to do the master cleanse (you know the infamous, insane lemonade-cayenne-syrup drink), but I'm too chicken shit for that. I bet I'll pass out within the first 2 hours of that cleanse so no, thanks! The apple cleanse, I read it off of this girl's blog and researched it more. It doesn't sound too bad, I mean it's easy and it's got solids so I'm trying it. It says you can do it for however many days you want in a row. I'm doing 3. It also says if you want, you can do it like for X number of days in a row every week. I also need to go out and find unprocessed, unfiltered apple cider vinegar. Trader Joe's maybe? Whole Foods? I don't know... I also researched the apple vinegar cleanse after seeing it on this chica's blog. (I know, I tend to pick up things off people's blogs and research it. lol)

Okay, so here I go. Wish me luck.

Peace, bitches.


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