hi, watch this...

it's hot. bdb's clit teaser for the jus' sam's mixtape This Is 4U LA, to be released fo' dat ass summer 2010. yes, i said clit teaser.

ps- thanks for the supahfresh shoutout with the hat =)

it's motherfuckin' friday.

thank you, baby jesus. this week was kind of reaaaally long. long like going to hopleaf with the goodlife fam feels like 3 weeks ago and that was last friday. oh the situations i put myself in this week. *sigh* i had a great birthday though... for the most part. but that was my own fault. anyway, it was fun and beautifully reckless. pics soon.

oh, tonight is goonie's performance at club v. if you're in chicago, come by. if you know me personally, hit me up. let's go! here's the flyer (made by yours truly)

this post really doesn't have any substance, i know. except for the gooniej/goodlife thing. i just wanted to say i'm thankful this motherfuckin week is over. happy friday!

off to see my bernz for our weekly jess cafe! yeah!

hi, rod.

i need the drives around downtown... the 40's nights... bc trips... garbage can confessions... the hand gestures... inside jokes.

come home. likenowpleasethankyou.

there isn't a single day...

that i don't think about that smile
that i don't miss your corny jokes and your cute little catch phrases (ops, wrong number)
sometimes i even miss arguing with you.
i miss us yelling at each other and hanging up then calling back like nothing happened
i know, that's kinda fucked up but i miss that shit.
i miss your cooking!
even though everyone says i got that shit down to a T,
it's just not the same as when you cooked it for me
i just want some adobo, kare kare, eggrolls, ube, leche flan...
even one of your simple eggplant omelet thingies would be great right about now.
there isn't a single day that i don't wish you were just a phone call away
everyday i look for that wakeup call at 7am (the ones you used to give me even on my day off, thanks)
every night i miss you blowin up my phone starting at 10pm to ask where i am

where are you now? it's 10:30!
mom, i'm 23!

thanks to you, i need the goodnight, sweet dreams every night otherwise i can't sleep.
there's so many things i want to tell you and ask you
hopefully i'll have the chance on those nights that i'm lucky enough to see you in my dreams.
i miss all these things and a million things more.
i just miss you... and not just today... but every day. every second, even.
i love you, mom. see you in my dreams

- netnet

just a random update...

...because i feel the need to write something. now, prepare your pretty little faces cuz this shit is all over the place.

first of all, this weekend with the whole bradley u thing was waaaay above and beyond what j and i hoped for. all the prep work, the late nights were so worth it. i just want to say i'm so proud of everyone. bdbusiness, goonie j, jus'sam, & los for killin it on stage. and of course, jason. i'm proud of you and everything you're pushing for. you already know all this sentimental shit. thanks for letting me be a part of it. it was dope to see you guys doing your thing and building relationships w/ the other artists. that hotel room scene was mind blowing. the whole thing was quite an experience really. the first of many. and peoria, thank you. my liver is all shriveled up. it's cool though cuz when goodlife makes it big, i'm sure j will buy me a new one =) *btw, that pic is from the abbey. not bradley u. those are comin up.

in other news, i've been learning quite a lot lately. i'm starting to trust my instincts and take my own advice. so i'm learning that i can trust myself. i know sometimes i'm on that hypocritical shit cuz i'll advise someone to do something and i myself wouldn't do it. but lately when my friends come to me and i break it down it's like *lightbulb* maybe i should do that too. i'm sure everyone who reads this (whattup to all 5 you... heeeeey) already knows that i recently became single. now, if you didn't already know, i don't deal with endings too well. i always feel such a huge loss. and don't get me wrong i did feel quite a loss but i'm ok. i'm learning it's ok for things to end if it means it'll be better for the two of us in the long run. and it has been better for me. i'm taking care of myself, finding out what i want, having fun... which means i'm less stressed and i'm happy. i mean it's a different kind of happy from being with him but this is good too. and i know he's happier too so... everyone wins. plus, we're still friends. as i am with all my other exes. i'm not really huge on holding grudges. one of my best qualities is that i'm able to forgive. life's too short to be mad at everyone.

got a few things going on this month. it's my mom's 3-year anniversary this weekend. maybe we can just sit around and drink... like we do every year. my birthday is coming. jesus christ. my past few bdays have been drama-filled and this year, that's just unacceptable. other than that, these next few weeks should be quite productive. i'm putting together my portfolio for all the world to see and fixing up 16thirtyone.Com so i can offer my services. i got a couple logos to work on for people. i'm gonna be a busy little bee. and i'm gonna start right now cuz i, for some reason, woke up at 5 am and i can't go back to sleep.

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