thanksgiving weekend

i hope everyone had an awesome thanksgiving! my weekend was pretty chill. sherwin and his family went up to michigan for the weekend so i was kinda bummed. but it turned out pretty ok.

i ended up spending thanksgiving with my friends from grammar school, pretty awesome. dinner was delicious, ladies, thank you so much.

friday and saturday, i just relaxed at home. did some laundry that was way overdue. it's kind of sad that i can go about a month and a half without doing laundry and i still had clean clothes. obviously, i didn't thin out my closet enough.

today of course, had work at 6am. it's almost half over cuz i spent the first half watching movies and the simpsons. i finally watched remember the titans. And now
i'm about to start the way we were. i'm so excited cuz after i get out of here, i get to see sherwin and winston. i missed them a lot this weekend. just wasn't the same.
i hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and I wish you an even moreamazing week ahead of you!


visualization is key.

the other night i was advising my homey jason to videotape a lot of the recording sessions with his artists. you know, for when he (or we lol) makes it big and they might need the footage for a documentary. what did i say? "never-before-seen footage of goodlife's early recordings"? and like I said to him, dream big, nigga. lol.

i really do believe that sometimes daydreaming and thinking big makes you see what you really want and makes you want it even more. run on? anyway, i think it pushes people to really work for it. why do u think i flip my magazine to a page with a 49 year old julia louise dreyfus who's got the rockin body when i'm on the treadmill? she's almost 50, son!

and so j, this is why i feel you're going to make it: when i'm working on the goodlife website/graphics, i picture myself being in a photography studio (with the disgustingly stylish outfit, the glasses and a bad ass pair of loubotin booties of course lol), sitting behind the photographer directing the shot. this photo is going on someone's album cover #3 (sam, bdb, or goonie... pick one lol). then my assistant comes up to me to ask me to approve the images for a slideshow for an album release party. that's right, i got an assistant, homey haha. then i get a bbm (cuz i know you're gonna force the entire goodlife camp to run on blackberry) from you that you just finised a hot track and i HAVE to hear it.

sick huh? you're gonna call me a nerd for that but whatever, it helps me squeeze out the creative juice. so that's where i am. can you see it? picture something like that on your side of this project and you'll want it even worse.

more vintage fun

sherwin at lori's wedding. the suit, the glasses, his personality... so fitting for that vintage feel.

taken during one of my cam whoring sessions. this was taken for what was supposed to be a makeup post, heh.

little italy in the rain

i took this in nyc when we went back in 2003. added a little photoshop for that vintage effect =)

miss amy

my co-worker was telling me about how her mom gave her two pounds of this salad she liked from jewel and it made me think of my mom. how she'd know what to get for me at the grocery store, at the drive-thru, or even at the randomest store (she'd buy me a little random knick knack she found amusing because she knew i would find it funny too). she used to separate my picadillo from the rest of the batch before she added raisins cuz she knew i hated them. she would set aside a portion of any dish that contained liver before she added it cuz she knew liver made me gag.

she knew what i liked to eat, how i liked to be treated when i was on my emo bullshit, who i didn't want to talk to (without even asking me), which jokes would make me laugh, what to say to make my worries go away, how to tell me i was being a crazy idiot without calling me a crazy idiot, how to hug me so that I wouldn't feel alone... she just knew me.

i miss amy.

ain't nothin' to fuck wit...

been stuck on wu-tang for the past week or so. i'm looking for instrumentals. help.

watch ya step, kid... watch ya step, kid...

bitch slap 3

aka... draft 3 of the logo. my face hurts.

updates & bullsh*t

before i get started, i'd just like to say that my weekend definitely made up for my crappy week of being sick. i got to spend time with some old friends and of course the VIP. i got to eat awesome food that i've been craving (i have to go back to san soo gab san for the bbq....mmmm). i would post the food pics on here but all of those are on facebook. but anyway... of course, let's not forget the pacquiao fight. that was a whole case of whoop ass right there.

so friday i had lunch with my bernz... always a fun time. we ate at tampopo because i was craving ramen (i'm always craving noodle soup) and we always eat japanese. for real, korean next time. after lunch we ended up shopping for "face crap" cuz for some reason both of our faces were working against us. fucking breakouts. ugh. anyway so we went to the face shop at hmart because i wanted to pick up some of those sheet masks that i keep reading about. i saw them at walgreens for 2 for $5 the night before but i knew they'd be cheaper and they would have a bigger selection at hmart. so we went and i picked up the pearl sheets for clearer skin. i'll talk about them towards the end of this entry. after that, we went to target to buy skin toner. we ended up just getting the oil of olay one for $3 cuz we were to lazy to stand there and pick. I also ended up getting yellow nail polish (i have like 3 of them and i hate the way the yellow comes out, i hope this one turns out good) and a couple of studio tools eyeshadow brushes. they're aight. i'm still mourning the loss of my precious posh dual ended crease/blender brush. so sad. seriously, that bitch disappeared into thin air. anyways, it was a fun day. the girl is a ball of energy. like her "normal" would be my "hyper. ridiculous.

friday night, sherwin and i stayed in cuz we were still sick. plus, modern warfare came out so he bought it and played while i worked on some graphics. i'm telling you, being able to be in the same room and not do the same thing is a sign of a good relationship. after his playing the game and my staring at the monitor made our headaches bigger, we caught up on our curb episodes. i can't wait for the reunion episode. saturday afternoon i finally got to go to san soo gab san for korean food. i was happy. we picked up winston from his brother's place. nice relaxing afternoon with my boys =)

last night of course was FIGHT NIGHT *does the tinikling*. rod and i ended up going to a bar called four shadows. we thought we'd be getting there early at 7:30 cuz it wasn't the main even yet. wrong. it was packed and we couldn't get a table. good thing i ended up spotting this corner by a ledge so we would at least have somewhere to rest our drinks. we also ended up getting food. we got tater tots at first which was ok cuz i mean, i didn't mind supporting the basket. later on we got the mini-burgers and shit got complicated. we had to borrow a tray and rest it on an empty trash can that was next to us. yes, it was that packed. anyway, great fight. i'm not going to write about it cuz you can youtube it, yahoo it, and espn it so... there. let's just say all the screaming i did scared the guy behind me who was rooting for cotto. also all that screaming was not good for my throat. after that, we went to sherwin's house where everyone was faded and happy. great night. stop hiding, mayweather.

ok so about this face thing... i've been breaking out on my cheeks it's really annoying. My skin looks like shit. It's my own fault though because I'llt ake care of my skin for like 2 weeks til it clears up and then I'll neglect it. The way I take care of my skin is just lots of water and avoiding bad food which i should be doing regardless but let's not discuss it. anyway, i don't even really have a skin regimen. i just take off my eyemakeup and the rest of my face just waits til the morning shower. LOL I KNOW, I KNOW!!! anyway so now i'm making an effort. i'm using the st. ives apricot scrub (which i used when i was younger), olay toner, and olay beauty fluid. AND i picked up those sheet masks from the face shop. i used on friday night and #1, it felt and smelled soooo good. i love cold things on my face so i relaxed with it on. i actually even dozed off for a few minutes. after taking it off, my skin was a little on the sticky side but after a few more minutes (i guess after all the product sunk into my pores) my skin was sooo soft. i didn't even use a moisturizer cuz i wasn't sure if i'm supposed to. anyway, i woke up the next morning and my breakout was half gone, the little bumps were flat, and even my pores seemed smaller. i'm gonna use it regularly.... probably like twice a week. i wish i took a before pic cuz after just 2 days of paying attention to my skin, it's already noticeably clearer. YAY.

anyways, that's all for now. holy shit, this became longer than i wanted. toodles.

i left my heart in...

i took this pic while we were in a cab with our awesome driver who took us on our last minute tour. he took us down to this area of the bridge where there were no tourists. he said this is his favorite view of the bridge.

while my guitar gently weeps.

i wish i didn't have to put the watermark. i also wish i had a million dollars, so whatever.

wikky wikky

take two... this one's my brain child. came up with it while listening to disc 2, track 1 (please hurry up with my track names already, j lol). thinkin about cleaning up the top, looks too messy. enjoy.

phi beta...

a crest looking logo thingy i made for goodlife. he wanted a shield.

hey mr. dj

just wanted to add the originals from that day. refer to previous post. take these and die, thanks.

just for the hell of it.

this is actually sherweezy's hand. i took the pic winter of '07 while he was fuckin around on he tables. for "fuckin' around" he sounded pretty damn good. anyways, sprinkled a little photoshop magic and a dash of illustrator and *BAM* a new graphic for the GoodLife collection.

gettin ill.

Fuck my immune system. Ever since I was a kid my immune system is my worst enemy. I used to have asthma attacks off of every little thing, getting tonsilitis and laryngitis all the damn time, and while I lived in the Philippines I was in and out of the hospital like every month. I was just a sickly kid.

I'm still sickly. I get sick everytime the weather changes. I get sick when I get allergies so crazy that the sneezing and runny noses turns into chest congestion and BOOM BOOM POW - fever town.I always feel it too. My throat gets a certain itch that's like a red flag--uh oh its coming. My waterline gets red and my eyelids feel hot. And when I get sick, boy, I GET SICK. Like bedridden, irritable, can't move, my joints hurt, and when I shower the water feels like needles pricking my skin. Last time I got sick it hurt so much that I was crying in the shower. It sucks so bad being me sometimes (I don't care if that's negative, you've never been in my slippers while I'm sick). Maybe I'm just being a big baby cuz I know for a fact people out there are suffering worse than me. But having the flu, sore throats, and fevers at least 4 times a year for 25 years has given me the right to complain don't you think?

Well I got sick last month and I just fully got over it a week ago. Guess fucking what? Your girl is sick again! I feel the lids getting hot. This time though its the sickness I HATE. It's the one I get every year where I cough and cough forever. I'm coughing up all kinds of fluids and it hurts. Plus, my chest feels like I am having an asthma attack. Oh and I'm walking around wheezing. Damn it.

Getting fucked up friday did it I think. We stood out in the cold for a long time too. We partied in Naperville with Sherwin's co-worker. They don't play around in Naperville. You think you're just gonna kick it with the one 40oz? No, bitch, you're gonna have TWO. We had loads of fun but didn't make it home and just ended up crashing at their place. Well in the middle of night I started getting real hot and having cold sweats. I woke up the next day and I was coughing and wheezing my ass off.

Fast forward to sunday, had an awful time at work so just went to Sherwin's to chill. He said he wasn't feeling well so we took a nap. I woke up thinking "why the hell is it so hot in this bed???" I reach over to wake him up and he was burning! He had a crazy fever going on and I could feel mine beginning. I was sweating in the bed and went out in the cold. DUMB ASS IDEA. I woke up today with my head feeling so heavy and with my body all hot with aching joints. I'm at work right now still coughing. My throat hurts so bad and I just want to lie down.

I guess my white cells followed suit with Sherwin's and were like fuck this, I'm tired of fighting.

Damn you, antibodies.

music makes me high.

Who needs bud when you got music?

So I'm sketching out some logos. I have a basic concept of what I want it to look like but the music I'm listening to while I work is taking over my ideas. I was listening to some Naughty By Nature and it came out all playful and feel good looking. Then on a different sketch, some Biggie and Snoop came on the ipod and it started to look a little more on the gangsta side. THEN Woo Ha! Got you all in check played on the third sketch and the logo was on some different shit, I can't even explain it.

Maybe I should listen to the music that guy who I'm making this for made. LOL. Duh.


Hi. So I'm updating because this homey of mine, Vee (wuttup, gangsta? prodigeez, holler. bdfu.), has inpired me to post more. I swear, I've been getting inspiration from every direction lately.

Anyway, I'm expecting to have a lot more content for you guys (all three of you readers) since I got a couple projects coming up. One of which I posted a preview of in my previous post. By the way, I might be scrapping that image just because I'm a perfectionist when I actually care about something. You know how I do. Back to the drawing boards.

Oh and yes, I'm always saying how I only have 3 readers and shit because it's true. I only have 3 readers that I know of. I mean I'm hoping I have more but that's highly unlikely. I guess even on the internet, I'm socially retarded. It's my fault I guess, since my blogging has become more restrictive than when I was younger. I used to write anything and everything and not care. I used to be so open. I guess now I think too much and actually take into consideration that there are just some things that you can't put on a blog. I don't know where I'm going with this. Just trying to fill this text area lol.

In other news, my co-worker is acting particularly bitchy today. He must be on his rag or something. That's right, I said HE. Okaaaaay *snaps*

I'm gonna do my awesome weekend recap later when I get home. Toodle. Oo.

Damn, I haven't heard this song in a minuto caliente. J-j-jigga.

sneak peek, sOn.

for real, it's been awhile since i sketched.

messin' me up, my whole head.

Ever since I started blogging (4 scores and a million years ago... Ok maybe not THAT long) my topics have been inspired by personal experiences and that of my friends. Then I'd sit and put on some good music and just type. I want to stress GOOD music. This was way back when I was inspired and actually wrote some pretty decent shit, by the way. Well lately it's just mediocre (if that) and day-to-day ramblings. And I write out the drafts at work cuz shit, there's nothing to do between 3am-6am. Well today I got inspired and so I'm trying to write it out but something's missing...

The music part.

I'm playing some old hip hop off my phone so I can write but someone is simultaneously playing off their phone and it's like... not...good... Music. It's fucking me up. I tried the headphones but I can still hear Lil Wayne's wretched voice.

I wanted to get it done cuz I know by the time I get home I'll be way too tired.

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